
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Well, this was a pretty good day, but in a very slow way.  this picture is my buddy, Dorlando Gale, better known now as Lando Gale, but we knew his by his open mic moniker of LandOriginal.  he is a good poet, and a very good brother.  he was one of the ones who was just starting out and the 'vets' of the Columbus open mic scene wouldn't give him a play, and he was content to wait in the wings until they threw crumbs.  when he hooked up with us, the Church of the Eternal Vibologism, he stretched his talent and imagination to first rate status which was always there but he had to believe, and he had to have someone believe in him.
he's had some illness and that is not his normal fighting weight.  another of those paradigm shifts that make me sad, but to see my little spirit brother and spend even a few moments with him was worth the entire day for me.

so i didn't do much today, but i had no plans to do much so it worked out well.  Rachel had come by yesterday and we had frittata for dinner and watched some movies and hung out and it was wonderful.  and i got up this morning and decided to sleep in a bit and take it slow.  i was going to go downtown for the african american male health event, but i didn't feel healthy or very african american, though i always feel black.  that's where Lando was, but he said he'd get with me and i also didn't want to try to get time while he was doing his organization thing.  i had breakfast, took meds, went to the store for toilet paper, lawd...i went to see my parents, had wedding soup and a chicken sandwich for lunch, talked to Rachel a couple times, Lonnie once, i was frustrated dealing with both my parents but they're my parents so the frustration don't matter.

i had dinner, watched Key Largo, got my keyboard from ebay and started noodling to see how much my fingers remember (not much), and i felt good.  the humidity is rising again but that's par for the course.  i am going to pray tonight and tomorrow morning, and i'm going to talk with Bob and Matt before the meeting tomorrow.  if it comes down to nothing being said or nothing being heard, i am walking away, getting back solid with my bible studies.  which i need to do anyway.  i feel blessed.  i know i have been.  and i'm not going to keep shorting on my end of the deal.  i am made better by that by Him whom I owe everything to. thank you, Jehovah.

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