
Sunday, August 21, 2016


realizations came today. not all pleasant but all lessons.
i managed to kill my Citi card yesterday, but i did it mostly getting Syd's school stuff, and survival things.  though it begs the question of survival next month, i am blessed to have had it on hand, as i have Syd ready to begin school.
then there was the meeting, in which we only had six guys or so, all guys, but it was a great meeting.  and i had a chance to talk, at least, to the two individuals i'd been praying about, and one seems to be okay with modifying and the other is asking questions, which is better than simply being silent.  it is a compromise that i can live with, though i never uttered a threat whatsoever.
then i did visit Rachel, gave her a gift of a pendant of Horus, and we talked for awhile and that was nice.  i told her she was welcome to come by for stir-fry while she was out, but i didn't think she'd make it this way. it was okay though, as i did get a chance to see her, big ticket item.
i got up and prayed, and i slept in a bit as i didn't have to just hit the floor running.  i got my laundry done, got the last of the school shopping done and i had breakfast and insulin and meds before i started getting ready for my meeting.
so, this week is going to be a change.  it's the beginning of the last year of Syd's primary school.  i don't know what happens in the future.  but i know it is coming, and as long as i am sober and able, i will see it with faith that it's worked out already.  i only need to know who's handling the details, i don't worry about the details themselves.  and i feel assured that they're being handled.
i have to speak at a meeting on Tuesday night.  other than that, it was a good enough kind of day.
thank you, Father.

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