
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

just a nice day, and a nice shirt

man, i was burned out yesterday.  grass cutting kicked my ass.  but i'm on it tonight, and i'll do a recap and an update and we'll be all square.

the journey is progressing well, i'm feeling okay today.  yesterday i got up with prayer and had breakfast.  i planned to cut the grass so no walk and no gym.  i got clothes gathered for a future trip to a laundromat and i went to get gas for my can.  i got started on the grass about 9:30 and i finished in just over an hour, with two breaks.  i have to admit, i am doing better physically. last year i would have been six breaks down and about two hours to cut that lawn.  but the humidity kicked my fucking ass, no two ways about it.  i got a call from Rachel but she was on her mom's phone and i didn't catch it in time.  i talked to Jo, saw he and Syd off and then got out to get lunch.  i mostly sat back, knowing that today was the money day and i'd have things to do.  i had a burger and some fries and a spinach salad for dinner.  very good.  and i slept deeply with a new meditation video i found.

i got up today with some resolution.  i had things to do and wanted to get them done.  i said prayer, went and grabbed some mickey d's breakfast.  didn't feel like cooking and kept it cheap.  i wrote in Evolon, ran a bath, caught a call from Rachel and jumped in the tub.  i got my pants folded for hemming and i gathered up library books.  my plan was to pay rent, take books to library and hit my meeting.  i did hit the meeting and my rent is paid, and Syd's phone is paid.  i will take the books to the library tomorrow.  i went to my meeting.  i went to Big Lots for household goods.  i went to visit my sponsor whom i've not seen since before my uncle died.  on my way back  i stopped at Burlington and found my brother a hat and myself a shirt which made me happy.  it may be the only thing i manage to buy myself this month, but it's a nice shirt.  i was going to visit Rachel but she called me to say she was out and would call me when she was heading home and now i'm not worried about it because it's almost 8 and i'm going to the gym in the morning so i'm definitely not heading out any later than this.  i got a new desk chair from my friend Marc, i ate dinner, i'm going to have some sugar free ice cream, work on my Z-Esoterica philosophy and crash out.  i'm good for the day.  it was a good meeting.  i'll go see my parents tomorrow too.  thank you, Jehovah, i won't engineer a complaint for a lovely day like today.

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