
Thursday, June 30, 2016


well, this wasn't a bad day, but it portends toward something on the horizon.

i got up and did good getting to the gym.  prayers and coffee and a bit of reflection and i was on my way.  got in 40 minutes on the treadmill, and i came home and started my day officially.  eggs and rice, and dishes done and worked on a spoken mic track and talked to Rachel briefly while she was walking with her mother in the park.  i laid down for a bit, then i went to my parents house to see about my dad's phones.

mom and Michelle were throwing away things from the cupboard and AG's grandson was there being babysat, i imagine.  i unhooked my dad's landline and told him to move his cordless to his bedroom.  i spoke with my mom briefly and then i came home.  talked to Rachel again before she went to sleep and i went to lunch with Lonnie.  i got home, worked on the poem a bit more, and i laid down for a while again.  Syd and Jo came and cut part of the grass, and Marc came so we could make flyers and tickets for the Sunday meeting.  i worked in Excel for a bit, which thrills me more than i can say, and i had pizza and a salad for dinner.  i'm about to lay it down.  tomorrow is going to be a pretty busy day, because i have counseling, it's the first so i have to pay my rent, get supplies and take care of some bills, and SL asked if i would ride with her while she tried to find financing for a car.  i'm fairly sure she blew money on some kind of dope thing, but i'll pray and ride and see if she can find something she's looking for, while trying to look out for my best interests.

my knee is hurting today.  it's been throbbing all day.  it's not swelling so far, and it's not causing any other difficulties.  my feet aren't bothering me, and i don't know exactly what's caused it, but i'm afraid it may be from the dancing on Tuesday.  but i'm keeping an eye on it, and i'm going to have it checked out if it gets any worse.  for now, a good day, and i'm grateful for it, and i'm going to bed.

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