
Saturday, June 4, 2016

R and me

so, this is about 4 in the afternoon.  it's been a good day.  i'm doing this now because it's time to finish the evening on a high note.  R has been by since this morning.  we've done some thrifting, some garage sailing, we've gotten stuff for dinner.  my table is simple but pretty, and we are enjoying each other's company.  i am appreciative and happy, and that's about as good as it gets.

i prayed this morning, got my ass out of the bed and went for a walk.  i drove off the route before i went to Wal-Mart and it was 1.5 miles, which ain't bad.  went to the store, got some things, stopped to grab some cheap breakfast from taco bell and came home to shower.  saw my brother briefly, got the rest of the house together and waited for R to call, which she did about 930.  the rest is history in the process, and i'm going to stay in a good zone and just let things spool out as they are supposed to.  Thank you, Father.  good days are possible.  i'm out.

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