
Friday, June 3, 2016

lunch with dad

today's been good so far.  i mean that in the overview, because underneath i need to get my ass in gear for real.  the summer lethargy is on me like the tan on my skin, and i got to shake this shit off.  but it was a productive day, and i'll take what i can get at this point.

i got up and said my prayer and kind of got myself toward the door.  i woke at five thirty, but i'm going to reset my five am alarm so i can start walking at the very least.  i had no breakfast, but coffee was good and i got out the house so i could get to my parents.  i washed a load of clothes before going to talk to my mom, and i started them drying while i went to counseling.

counseling was good, and i was able to look at things in my current life from the outside in, which is always nice.  i left, went to Mickey D's, got my mom some breakfast and myself something, took her her stuff, got my clothes and kept it moving.  took my landlord the rent, made my way to Niles to get supplies.  some stuff i was looking for for tomorrow's dinner accouterments i couldn't find and will go in search of them in the am tomorrow.  but i got supplies (other than socks) and i went to get my dad for lunch.

we decided on the Fire Grill in Girard.  i'd never been there and it is a nice place to eat.  not expensive, lot of food, good 'sphere for conversation or company.  we talked about a lot of things, but what got me was my expectations.  when he told me that he's sad about Syd, my defenses went up immediately.  i have learned that the men in my life, my instructors, have a tendency to continue to teach, though i'm well invested in the DOING stage right now.  but he didn't want to teach, he just said he was sad because he's watched Syd grow up and time is moving so quickly, and i couldn't have agreed more.  i know my father loves my daughter, and that's always made me happy.  we spoke of current politics in America and the state of the black man in the modern world, and we had good food and good conversation.  i had taken him to drop off a prescription before we went and i took him to pick it up when we got back to Liberty.  i came home and put away my clothes and the things from the store, and i got into my skin and onto my bed and snoozed off and on, apparently.  i am not hungry, but i have insulin to take.  i am going to chill for the evening, do my last little bit of cleaning early and wait to see the plan with R.  if she calls tonight, cool, if not, cool, i will just roll solo and find something to get into.  a good day is a good day, regardless of what comes tomorrow.  thank you, Father, for a lovely day with my dad.

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