
Thursday, June 16, 2016

yesterday, today...who knows?

i forgot to do this yesterday, and the irony is at my 12 noon Wednesday meeting i spoke about how much doing this daily has benefited me.  however, i did acknowledge that at times I forget, and when i do, as i am now, i try to cover the missed period.

i do believe i'll be able, in September, to see a journey of progress, learning, emotion, spiritual growth and some obstinance.  in other words, my human intermingling with my wolf.  and what could be better than that?

so anyway, yesterday i got up and said my prayers and tried to be lazy but before i knew it i was in my gym clothes.  i figured, no point being in shorts and a tee shirt without going to the gym, so i had a cup of coffee and went to the gym.  did about twenty minutes of weights and fifteen minutes on the treadmill and then went home.  i took meds, ate breakfast, talked to R for a minute or two and got on with my day.

my day consisted of my dad coming by so i could try to explain the process of nominating the book of old lazarus so he could network me into his GM people.  that lead to a bit of a disagreement over one individual whom he has recently recruited into his 'legion of used, dysfunctional individuals' who forsake actually working on themselves in order to seem more important on the surface.  i have told him repeatedly i want nothing to do with this person.  it also involved a woman who couldn't follow simple instructions on how to reach the page for my book nomination, taking a picture of my dad to send to this woman and seeing how much my dad is slipping emotionally after my uncle's death.  i would love to suggest counseling to my father, as people who care for people rarely seek the care they themselves need.  but we'll see.

after that, i took a bath, went to my meeting to find the secretary wasn't there.  i got help setting up, there were lots of new people there, and the meeting went well.  i went to lunch with Lonnie afterwards and came home.  first i went to the store, having decided on fish for dinner.  got what i needed, came home, started cleaning my bedroom.  clothes came that i ordered online and somehow that made me feel i needed to clean my room.  i took the rest of the day to clean and cook, and both turned out pretty good.

i slept well, woke today with prayer and again tried to lay back.  i found myself in my gym clothes again and wondered if toti wasn't getting stronger and if that was a good thing (it is).  so i had a cup of coffee and i leisurely made my way to the gym.  i did a little over a mile on the treadmill.  i gave out several of the fliers to acquaintances at the gym.  i am home now, having taken insulin and meds, about to work on breakfast.  i have uploaded the 'old lazarus' video and forwarded it to facebook, tumblr and google plus.  i am going to start recording some passages and editing them with music to create audio samples for people to listen to, to know what they've voting on.  i have to talk to my dad again, get clear about what i need from him.  but it looks like a good day, though i suspect rain.  i'm going to get back to this later.

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