
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Better Day & Parted Ways...

Well, the difference a day makes, right? Its Wednesday now, and you find that at times success and sadness go very well together. Not always, but sometimes.

Yesterday at work the day went well, i thought. I had many of the same misgivings, and I spoke on them, but I was determined I wasn't giving up. One of the residents helped me, however, inadvertently I believe, by letting me know he didn't 'see' me as if I was staff. I decided then, I was going to make them SEE me.

So I followed instructions. I wrote an incident report for insubordination. I did admission stuff. I started setting the divide between myself and the residents. And I didn't lose my personal contact while doing it. It wasn't an I've Arrived moment, but it was a 'can you SEE me now' moment, and that'll do for now.

Tomorrow morning, I take Syd to Columbus. Better or worse, that's the point where our dynamic officially ends, or changes or whatever. So I'll say my last words and start my next morphosis into whatever God wants my to be, and hopefully, so will she. It reminds me, somehow, more of when my baby brother moved to Columbus than when I did. The need to learn responsibility. But, Thy will be done. I am grateful and a little sad, and I think that's called Normal.

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