
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Night Journey (Finally!!!)

funny thing.  it's almost seven-thirty.  the day wasn't bad.  i have done the things that i've set out to do, for the most part.  and i'm here, writing on the Journey and about to head over to the Dining Room, before i shut this shit down for the night.  i guess maybe it's progress.

it was a good enough day.  i'm listening to my song, 'Sunset Ride', and writing these thoughts and events, watching a show on Hulu called 'Shrill', which is pretty good.  i've eaten my dinner at home instead of rolling out to pick up something.  i've got a roast in the crock pot for tomorrow.  the day was mostly sunny, started getting warmer later in, and the people around me weren't complete assholes, though some were and that's okay too.  as well, i'm feeling a bit more creative; the lyrics and poetry i was working on this morning was pretty good, to be honest.  and that's not a problem, really.  just need time to get to work seriously on the projects i've started and paused on, but that will come too.

anyway, from this morning, i went to get Josh and we went to work.  i prepped my bus against the very cold morning and sat, listening to music and writing.  i got out on the road, went to Cortland and picked up my four out there and got them dropped off.  then i went to get the Niles/Vienna crew and get them dropped off.  from there, i came home between runs, got my roast and stuff prepped and into the crock pot and laid down to rest.  didn't have enough time for a proper nap, but i put systems on standby in the bodyship and waited til time to leave. 

strangely, Syd called, and i spoke to her briefly as i prepped my roast.  we didn't talk long and i didn't say much, but it was good to hear her voice.  i heard my grandson in the background, he sounds like he's much more verbose now.  before i left i talked to Rachel, and then i went and got lunch.  then it was back to work.

the afternoon was no more eventful than the morning, with the exception of talking to one of the bosses at work about the feelings that have grown prominent in me towards the environment there these days.  it was okay, i don't really ever care about how someone who asks me responds to me stating my feelings, but i wish things were like they were in the beginning.  then, the only thing i was mad about was them not paying me my money in my first week. what a clean, honest and unmuddied anger that was.  this is just like glass shards in the blood stream.

anyway, no grooming tonight, that's for tomorrow.  tonight, i'm going to finish journaling, find something to watch, take my night meds and shut this shit down.  got to get ready for the morning.  but i also realize, i need to keep some perspective on this shit.  i am blessed with work, blessed with a home, blessed with transportation.  i'm blessed with both parents and with my extremities and my mind in mostly working order.  i need to remember where those blessings come from, and stop worrying about other people's actions, because ain't nobody badder than my God, and i say thank you, Jehovah, for making me mindful again of that fact. 

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