
Thursday, July 19, 2018

pain frequencies...

well, i don't know.  i didn't mean to skip yesterday, i swear. i was feeling pretty good when the day started, but by the end of it, a gout flare up seemed to have me on the ropes.  not even a week after a neuropathy flare had my right leg crippled up, my left foot goes useless.  i bitch, but my mom has it in both feet at most times, so i should be more grateful, but when it's's like trying to be grateful the bullet took a chunk out of your ass rather than hit you in the face, or something.

nonetheless, yesterday wasn't a bad day.  workwise, it was close to flawless, and the only real drawback was my plan for dinner was waylaid because i couldn't really stand by the end of the day.  but that was the worst of it.  the clients got dropped off and picked up as they should have, i visited my child and grandson, i ate better and did the things i needed to get done, that i COULD get done that is.  today...

i had hoped medicating this flare early would take care of it, but far from it.  i woke in pain, and i got up in pain to start the day.  i didn't shower, didn't groom, didn't do anything except put clothes on from my hamper that weren't too dirty, read my books and took my medicines, and i ate an orange.  then off to work, limping through the day.  

i went home between runs.  came home, prepped alfredo stuff, cooked pasta, took meds and laid down.  did my interview on the phone with ebay, went okay.  then i got my ass up, got things moving as i had to get a card mailed to Ronda for her upcoming birthday, and i got out the door.

second half of work wasn't eventful either, and i got through it no issues.  i got on guy to drop off tomorrow morning, so an easy start to the day.  i went to my parents house and saw my mom, who gave me some wedding soup.  i stayed for a bit, then i came home.  i made my alfreddo sauce and put the ingredients into it, i heated my soup, put my food on a plate and dug in.  then i washed my dishes, took a shower after i shaved and have been in bed since.  the pain is dulled back a bit, but i still need to rest this shit.  

funny, to go from visiting Syd and the child to being laid up.  funny to be laid up for 2 days but still have to be productive and bright.  it is hard; pain makes me stupid and grouchy.  

going to counseling tomorrow, lunch with Lonnie.  going to my parent's house after work to make them some dinner for my dad's b-day.  i'm going to get this basket of clothes washed and dried.  i'm going to try to do some creative shit.  but i'm going to start by saying thank you to my Heavenly Father, for the blessings of this day.  

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