
Wednesday, April 18, 2018


what a way to start a i missed two days of journaling, don't know exactly why.  well, i kinda do.  i hit it on sunday, but monday i was so exhausted when i got in from work that i just collapsed after i ate and washed the dishes.  i don't know why, but i have a sneaking suspicion.  yesterday, i did a bit better in the evening but during the day i was all tore up, stomach wise.  in and out of the bathroom, though i made it to the gym.  it wasn't a bad day, just a bowel day, so to speak.  and i woke this morning, said my prayers, ate a tiny-light breakfast to take no chances, and it did no good.  i've been to the bathroom twice already and am threatening to go often and with intensity.  so i called off today.  going to try to get this out of my system.  thing is, i hated calling off, but when my stomach got to rumbling and churning, i knew it was the right thing to do.  i can't inconvenience the Boss and the clients that way, though me not being there isn't exactly a convenience either.  but i also have to take care of me.  and that's what i'm going to do today. 

so the plan is;  wash my bedding, just cause it's needed, do my meeting, get some groceries in, mail a letter and a book and rest for the afternoon.  then get my ass up in the morning and get to work, hell or high water.  and if God wills it, because that's the real qualifier of everything. 

i'm grateful for the time off, and grateful to have what i need to take care of me.  thank you, Jehovah.

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