
Monday, October 15, 2018

Talk Time

the sun through the haze.  the fog, not lifting just yet, but not so thick as the day cannot be seen.  apropos, for this moment in my ongoing history.


i did the necessary things.  i woke and prayed, i ate and read and medicated.  i got things together for the meeting pot luck and i got to the meeting.  i showered and shaved, cut a small chunk out of my scalp in the process.  the meeting was okay, the discussions have been all pretty cut and dried of late, but the same people every week tends toward that. 

leaving the meeting i went to the store.  got some things i needed for home, forgot the butter.  i went to Baily's field (old baseball field on east side) to see Lonnie and his son, whose car wasn't starting.  i discovered i forgot my meeting bag at the 1323 Club where we have our Sunday meeting.  i called a friend who is an officer and a keyholder, and i waited to hear back from him.

in the interim, Rachel got back in touch with me.  she apologized for not getting back sooner, had had a busy weekend.  i told her i was going to get my bag and i would get back in touch in 20 minutes. 

i got my bag, talked to my friend for a bit, went home and let Rachel know i was back and started heating my dinner (the Dining Room, 10/14/18) she sent me her phone number.  i called, but it went right to voice mail.  twice.  i messaged her that, and sent her my number.  she called me after a bit, and we talked most of the evening, into the night. 

an exchange of recent history.  feelings of mine just out of reach, kept that way by myself, i suppose.  sadness.  hope?  probably, but not that sun through the fog.  that is...tomorrow.  i think it has to be.  we remain friends.  if she hasn't been okay, she's better now.  i still love her, and i imagine i always will.  i did sleep, eventually.  i am up now, i have danced, i have medicated and read again on this monday morning.  catching up. time to get dressed and get gone.  i am grateful to Jehovah for allowing me to speak to her, for the blessing of sobriety and serenity, and for whatever time i have left.  i know it has been a good enough Journey. 

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