
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Pins & Needles

 so, i skipped yesterday.  i was mentally exhausted, bleeding over into t  but i have to stay diligent, and skipping a day because it was hard is not discipline.  so, catch up and keep it going, Tim.

yesterday, getting up was pretty normal, but i skipped exercises.  i got my stuff together otherwise, readings and medicine.  got the trash gathered up, got it out the door to the can and got to work.  i was aware of some level of tension in the early office that i'd not noticed before, but i kept it moving, not wanting to default my way into any drama.  the morning runs were no big deal, the usual.  after they were done i took the bus back, went to my parent's house, made coffee, washed the dishes and put some western ribs in the crock pot for their dinner.  then i went to my meeting, which was good.  i got the money arranged, stayed through the whole meeting, had a home group meeting quickly, then got on the road back to work. 

the fun started in the afternoon, of course.  should have been an easy afternoon, two clients out for the day.  got an early start on it and decided to see some of the countryside, plus my wheelchair rider has a time he has to wait to go home.  long story short, i ended up with my bus stuck in a hole, the passenger rear tires anyway.  as well, my left front tire was off the ground, and i couldn't move.  ended up requiring an office call and a tow, and notifying the parent's of their children's well being.  the tow truck got us out of the hole, and i got the client's home and got back to the shop.  i grabbed 2 incidents reports and went home.  i ate, realized my energy was gone and i went to sleep.  not a great sleep, by any stretch, but i owned the situation and told them to just let me get the route finished and whatever came of it was cool.

so, today.  i got up, filled out the incident reports to turn in this morning.  i had my coffee and a very light breakfast and i got to work.  i had to take a different bus as the tail pipe on mine had a broken bracket.  i did the runs, uneventful, a bit different in a detail change on my route, but nothing out of sanity.  i went to the radiation oncologist, who gave me the rundown on getting this treated with radiation.  i've got some work ahead of me, let me tell you.  the route was cool, though, and the day finished without incident, at least for me.  i've shaved my head and face and had dinner.  i've got a few more chores to do before i close up shop completely, but that's okay. 

yesterday i tossed and turned, on pins and needles, wondering if i'm about to be fired.  now, i just want to take this and everything else one day at a time.  i have the most important thing to this world growing inside me, malignant.  now i have to remember that the most important thing is not a thing at all, it is the preservation of my spiritual growth.  and that's okay with me right now. 

i thank you, Father, for all that You've done on my behalf. 

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