
Friday, May 31, 2019

Progress vs Success

1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

good morning. it's friday, and the life continues.

it's about 3 in the morning, little later. i'm up, about to get moving on the day. i haven't prayed yet, but i will. i have a lot to do today, not as much as i could jam into this day, but enough to keep me moving throughout the day. i'm grateful for the activity; i'm grateful for the life. i actually am.

yesterday was new stuff. not all of it, most of it was pretty standard. work was nothing out of the ordinary. full load, such as it is. prayer and meds (what i have left) and seeing my parents. my eating is off, i am going to get it back on. but for the most part, pretty much by the number.

but i went looking at cars with my father yesterday, and that zone was completely unexplored territory. went to 3 car lots in the Warren area. i hate car lots. I HATE SALESMEN. but i went, because i found a car that i really thought i'd like, i took my dad because he's a long-time haggler and i am not good at haggling, and he has a GM discount that i can use. and we had a good day, and that was REALLY the takeaway from the whole thing. but on the flip, it was a bust, because car sales people are car sales people. they want to get the most they can get out of you, instead of just doing their job to move their inventory. and i am not having it, not now.

i thought about going back out today, as it's the last day of the month and reportedly this is the time when the deals are the sweetest, but i'd like to get to counseling this morning, and i need to tend to some other things also. as i said, my eating has been off, so i need to get that shit back on track. and i need to pick up medicine today from UPS, as my pharmacy found it necessary to send it with a 'sign for delivery'. some things i absolutely need right now. been out of an agent that helps me pee for over a week, and i can tell, lawd can i tell...

anyway, saw Rachel yesterday, talked for a bit. don't see much of her now, but she has a fuckton of shit going on. i think i need to get my house together, and i need to start creating in earnest again. the book is slowly coming. i have gotten some things done this past week, and i can't moan too much about that. but i have to get back to me, and that's kind of important to the whole process.

i am grateful to Jehovah for the opportunity to spend with my dad. likely i'll go back out, after some preliminary work today, on Saturday. but i will find what Jehovah has for me, and it will be a good deal for me. i believe that. and now i'm done.

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