
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Home Again, Home Again...

it's fairly early, maybe 4:40.  just got in from work, putting some food together.  it wasn't a bad day.  i've not been keeping up with this, because i've been at my parent's house all weekend, keeping my mother company and keeping an eye on her in case something happened.  my father asked me if i could, and of course i could and did.  it's not really a whole lot safer with him there, but two can do more than one, even if it's just a little more.  and i'll be back over tomorrow before my meeting.

today i went to visit my daughter and my grandson.  that is always a pleasure for me.  he is always glad to have me around, and that is a good feeling.  and i can get into his ways, the little things he does as he's in the process of learning what assholes human beings are.  i know a part of my being here is to help him know that he can be more, better, wiser than the world around him, wiser and better than the world wants him to be.  and my daughter is doing the motherhood thing, under quite a bit of duress i might add.  i am proud enough of her; she has bad choices in her dossier of grown behavior, she could have chosen that, and still could to be honest. but for now, she's doing a stand-up job, and seems to be learning as she goes, and i can't exactly complain about that. 

i'm waiting for my medicines, they come in the mail.  i was told at my last doctor visit that all my prescriptions were renewed by her, but they called me this afternoon and said one that i really do need they don't have a refill for.  one of the indicators of aging is the NEED for a medicine and the simmering anger that begins when there's a problem with it.  and it ain't about no kind of high...just about functioning at a particular diminished level consistent to the one you were at, not going any lower than that. 

my mom was glad i was there, and i was glad to be there.  saturday was a good deal, grilling and cooking for sunday's dinner, and sunday was wonderful.  some family, not a lot of people so enough of everything.  i didn't really enjoy sleeping on the couch but i did enjoy spending time.  Joe came with Syd and the baby on Sunday, though apparently they almost didn't make it.  but i'm used to that too.

today was work, and things were okay.  just okay.  i haven't changed the shelves yet; i need to, and started to but i dropped the label maker and it is not functioning at this time.  i will get it done, though.  i need to do a lot of things.  i don't believe i'm procrastinating, not deliberately anyway.  i have to start the process of finding a car, and i only know to look, test drive and find financing.  i don't really know the nuances of car buying, because it's not a thing that i've done with any regularity or success.  but i will have to learn what it is about and get it done.
otherwise, prayed this morning, read my books, took the meds i do have.  i've been writing, and will do some more shortly.  i am going to crash and if i am blessed to awaken again, there's a meeting tomorrow at the FSH and i will take things one thing at a time, which is the only way to live.  thank you, Jehovah, for family and friends. 

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