
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Moving on Thangs

See the source image this is the fish i'm going after tomorrow.  2011 Buick LaCross, less than 81,000 miles, under $12,000. i have prayed, and i have turned it over, and i've begun the process.  whatever God's will is for me, may His will be done, and may I be blessed with the grace to accept it.

this has been a good day for me.  i started with prayer, and though the sleep was fitful, it did happen.  i got up and read and took the meds i still have (while waiting for my doctor's office to approve ONE LAST REFILL so my pharmacy can ship my entire order), and i got dressed and got in the wind. 

at work, the day went pretty easy.  i didn't expect any problems, but i didn't really expect one way or the other.  being prepared to deal with what comes is the best solution that i can live in, and i try to do that.  all my clients rode today, no incidents on the bus. 

i went to my parent's house at the break, made my mom coffee and made them both pancakes and sausage.  i asked my father if he would help me tomorrow at the car lot and he said he would roll out with me.  i'm not sure i need his help, not sure i don't either (same as above).  but what i do know is my father likes to help with things that he can, and it is going to hurt nothing to include him in this process.  he deserves to know he is loved and venerated on earth. 

i talked to Lonnie briefly, but not Rachel.  texted with Syd, talked to her for the briefest of moments, and did my noon meeting.  it was pretty good for what i could take in, long chapter on the 4th step.  i had to leave early, but not before i had a chance to comment.  got back to work and finished the day. bought myself and the 2nd in command some fish, went to my parent's house to do a couple things they'd asked me to, and then home, to eat, to clean up, to get myself geared up should Jehovah awaken me to a new day. 

i am nervous about the car. i've programmed myself away from things like that.  when i got the Grand Marquis, i could have gotten a more expensive car.  i could have put myself in a different situation.  but i went with the car i wanted, with what was budgeted to me by my credit union.  now, i'm trying to keep in mind that there is no way to get out of this life alive, and restricting myself and holding myself to a lower lifestyle ain't going to get me more years.  so if i'm not killing myself or anyone else, why not try?  why not succeed?  why not enjoy?  i have no answer to those things in the negative, so keep me in your prayers.  i'll let you know how it turns out.  regardless, Jehovah's will be done, and thanks for letting me do my thing.  

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