
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

...A life in the day...

all things considered, it could be worse.

i took a fall today, as i was ending my work day.  i had parked my bus, was the first one back, had gathered my things and put my charger stuff in my bag in the pouch so i could keep track of it.  i was walking across the lot and i hit a low spot, my ankle turned, and i had so much stuff in my hands that i couldn't gain my balance back.  so i went down on gravel.  ouchie. 

scraped up my left arm around the elbow pretty good, also my left knee got some attention.  right side okay, so i know which way i fell.  BUT.  it's the right ankle i rolled.  gonna be hell to pay in the morning, maybe.  i'm set to ice it down and rest it with some Tylenol before i crash.  nothing else to do.  i thought about doing the ER and filing workman's comp, but the ER is a nightmare with one hospital closed, and losing work to wait to get paid is senseless.  i'm not as young as i once was, no delusions about that.  but i'll see how i feel in the morning, if i can walk, if i can drive.  if i can't, i'm going to the ER then and deal with it at that time.

otherwise, a pretty good day.  i saw my daughter and her son and a friend of hers from out of town during my break.  i love my grandson.  he is so amazing to me, and he's always happy to see me, which is pretty amazing too.  it's funny.  i know he's no more grandchild than anyone else's grandchild.  i know he's smart for a baby, that he's cute and he's big and he's sweet.  but i enjoy him in ways that i can't even describe.  when i put my synth app on my phone and he works so hard trying to figure it out (until he did), when he tries so hard to share his thoughts, communicate what's on his mind, it's just a wonderful thing to me.  i can't really explain it any better than that.  i love him.  i love Syd also, and that's important because often parents get neglected in the shadow of their offspring. 

i'm going to log my food intake at the Dining Room, and then i'm going to put some ice on this knee.  coffee's ready for the morning, and while i'm up here i'm going to grab some clothes for the morning so i don't have to do the steps again.  other than that, it's good to be here in my office.  it really is.  i am grateful to Jehovah for making it necessary for me to be up here right now. 

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