
Saturday, May 12, 2018

putting in work

is it done?  not even close.

is it an improvement?  absolutely.  and it's going to keep getting better.

sorry i didn't write yesterday.  i have said and continue to say that not only have i lost some ground in my letting go process, but i've been experiencing some heavy-duty exhaustion lately.  i have monday off, and i'm going to rest and reset as much as i can over the weekend, but i feel i need to catch up and get and stay on track as best i can. 

start with a summation of yesterday.  all started fine, and the runs weren't bad, but there was some static in the communication between the Boss and myself.  i wish i knew what the cause of this was, but i don't, and i can only say that even the best of friends, which we are not yet,
sometimes go through changes that necessitate some disagreements.  it happens.  it most certainly does.   and when it does happen, you just do the best you can to move through and get to the other side, which we did by the end of the day.  that don't make it fun, though.

so we got through the day. and i told the office supervisors that i am considering the driving training.  mostly because it would be foolish to plan to move on without having something more substantial in my dossier.  so we'll see how that goes when the time comes.  i came home, decided on a fish sandwich down at the food cart, ate and went to sleep not long after, knowing that today would be a personal work day.

i was up this morning at the usual 'too damn early for a weekend' time.  i did all the usual stuff, and by seven o'clock i was starting on my cleaning.  from the front room to the bathroom floor, with no particular hurry.  i vacuumed, swept, threw away, mopped, wiped down.  i got the stereo from upstairs and the speakers out the door and off the porch, giving them to Jones who helped get the place cleaned out initially.  i have everything for the new computer except for the ethernet cable, which should be here tomorrow, and a suitable desk, of which i am still hunting.  i went with Lonnie to Austintown on a chore he had to do and i finished with the kitchen and the bathroom when i got home.  i had a bit of company while i tried to arrange the upstairs to use the stand the record player was on as a computer table, but it is far too small.  or the computer is too big, one of the two.  i am leaving it for tomorrow, and i'm going to try to find a table i can use.  meanwhile, i've watched some anime, i've eaten dinner and dessert, and i'm laying in bed.  if i am blessed with a tomorrow, i'm going to go make breakfast for my mother (and by proxy, i suppose, my father) and i'm going to the CA meeting.  then it's back home, after the store, to chill.  i need to make a list of needed things.  i am still looking at Rachel and missing her, but i still have not stopped living yet.  looking at some future projects, if i am blessed with enough future to get them started at least.  etiher way, i am grateful to Jehovah for a productive day.  

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