
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Columbus Rain...

it's Saturday.  I made it to Columbus this morning.  i am in a hotel room, used to be a Knight's Inn.  not the best choice, but it's clean and i will be able to sleep here.  i guess.  it's raining cats and dogs at the moment.  it's a pretty sight, but it's not melancholy, it means nothing more than a reason to stay in and do this.  nothing wrong with that, either.

i didn't write yesterday because i was exhausted, and trying to get on the road, which didn't happen.  but the day should be documented and some other things need addressed, because this is the last worthless weekend that i have to spend, to paraphrase Don Henley.

first off...yesterday.  from the drama and traumas of Thursday, i didn't believe Friday would be an easy day, and that proved to be true, but it didn't matter.  the day had to be got through anyway.  so i got up and i showered, i prayed and i tidied and i didn't eat or do coffee because i was planning on hitting the road after work.  i did grab burritos from McD's before work, but my kitchen remained clean.  then it was the job.  i was driving the short route in the morning, no hassles, no problems.  i was done early enough to hit the gym, go to my parent's house, leave the money for my cousin who cuts the grass, go to counseling and have lunch with Marc.  then i went back to new insanity. 

they'd told me the day before that i'd be driving a different route, then they told me it would only be in the afternoon, then i learned that driving it in the afternoon with an aide had more details than i was aware of.  it kept changing and i hate that, it irritates the fuck out of me.  but i rolled with it.  a double run.  7 or 8 the first run, 4 the second.  the aide was good, we got the things done in a timely fashion, considering.  there was getting in a bus line, and the difference in picking up due to the Spring Fling (which made me sad as two of my regulars were going and i really wanted to see them after the event), but it went well enough.  the second of the two runs...

each bus, each type of bus i should say, is different, has differences.  the small van i do the short run on has no wheelchair lift.  the big bus i was driving yesterday had different controls for the wheelchair lift.  it took me a bit to figure out how to work the damn thing.  i took ownership for that.  then we got into the later day traffic in Niles and Howland.  so we didn't get back until 5pm or so.  then i had to redo the paperwork for the 2nd run because i made a mistake and you can't turn in a billing sheet with scratched out shit and corrections.  it was hot, and most of the run took place without the benefit of air conditioning.  so i was drained, thirsty, sweat and exhausted.  i went to Papa's, got a dinner and some wings, went home, ate, watched some television and i crashed.  it made enough sense, as the room arrangement wasn't until today anyway. 

so i got up early this morning.  i gathered a couple other things, made sure my doors were locked and i got to driving.  gassed up and snacked up and got on the highway.  stopped in Seville for a breakfast sandwich, then it was on to Columbus.  i'm going to say i left about 545, and i got here close to 9.  could've been quicker but you should respect holiday traffic and state patrol presence.  i've seen Keith and Ronda, i've seen Yvette and i'm waiting for De'ja now.  i found a charger for my phone, razors for my face and head, i've shaved, i'll shower later and i'm a bit peckish about now.  i've turned off the television, as the satellite isn't doing well in the rain. 

i have to get back to doing the things that make me feel better.  there's so much going on right now.  so many things that are happening.  i refuse to be ungrateful.  i refuse to complain.  i just want to make sure that i do what needs to be done, that i take care of the things that i need to take care of.  starting with me, and the family next, and the rest of the world after that.  and family ain't just the relatives.  i need to visit Johnny more.  i need to stay in touch with new people.  and i'm really wondering if i'm doing myself any kind of emotional good by my actions toward Rachel.  that might just be wishful thinking, but the way i've been doing things could be sour grapes.  whatever the case may be, i am just glad that i made it here safely, that my family is okay for today and that i have gotten my journaling done.  i thank Jehovah for the blessings. 

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