
Thursday, May 17, 2018


sorry about yesterday.  it was rough, driving for the first time in a long, long time.  haven't done any employed driving since Menendian's, back in Columbus, and that was likely close to sixteen years ago.  but that's not the hurting i'm talking about. 

when i got in, i managed to get my dinner cooked and eaten, i sat to watch television but ended up just laying down and passing out.  i woke long enough to call Lonnie back and was then out for the night.  seems that's my itinerary lately, work and eat and sleep.  no book sales, no readers, no recreation in my life.  i'm not exactly complaining about a lack of life, just about a lack of energy and a pain that lingers.  i did get straight on my counseling appointment on friday, and i will be going to get bloodwork done this afternoon. just wanted to jot this stuff down so i would not be too negligent at this point.  i'm sorry for complaining, and i thank my Father for my life.  one of my recovery brothers, from all the way back, 3 months longer in the program than i, just died this week, 63 years old, and i know there are no guarantees from this point.  even an extended warranty runs out eventually. 

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