
Thursday, August 16, 2018

See the source image
fucking hornets...

well.  it's going on 9pm.  i don't have to work tomorrow.  so let me get this logged, and then it's off to dreamland, perchance to dream.  it would be nice, admittedly.

first of all, it wasn't a bad day, but i got stung by a hornet.  i knew it was a hornet when it crawled up me, and i should have just killed the fucker on sight, but i'm still trying to be a bit more compassionate to all life, being that i wouldn't want to be snuffed out due to my inconvenience to someone else's leisure time.  but this thing crawled up my leg, into my shirt, got scared and stung me on my torso, and it hurt like a motherfucker and still does to a degree.  life in the fast lane.  it made its way to my hat, where the ladies in the office knocked it and my hat off my head and executed it with prejudice.  and that was that for that insect.

today i prayed and read and medicated and got to work.  i drove my route.  i was informed that we'd have new clients on my route early as next week, so i took time during the split to drive and check out the new addresses and find the Purple Cat in Austintown.  it may not happen; it's so spread out it would mean changing everything, and some parents just aren't going to be happy with having their child's home time drastically revised.  but that's next week's worry now.  this week's worry is done, and tomorrow is an off day.  i'm going to clean and i'm going to counseling and a doctor's appointment.  i'm going to get some needed things, pay a couple bills and work on my book and my music.  i'm going to keep trying to extract my head from my ass, in other words.  and i'm grateful for the chance to do so. 

i feel some better still.  i am blessed that this is the truth.  and i thank my Father for the changes taking place.  that is all for now.

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