
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Good Enough Friday

it's now saturday morning and i'm about to get shaking.  still have to say my prayer, but i want to log so i know what i'm praying for for today. 

yesterday was a good day, i felt.  good enough anyway.  its a bit after seven now, and i have to reset my alarm so i'm back to getting up on time for work.  have to also remember that i get up at 4, i'm out the door at 5:30 and i'm at work at six.  after a week off, it will be a bit of a restoration, but i'll function. 

yesterday though.  i went to counseling, and we talked about politics, and race, and things of that nature, being able to track down culture and what the lack of culture has done to my people.  it is refreshing, though i know from the outside many would think those sessions strange.  but to be able to speak on such things, to be able to range across the board, which includes religion, and find an intelligent outlet for myself...that means a lot.  you have to appreciate such a thing when you have it, because we live in a half-ignorant, half-terrified society, and subjects that have the most power over our lives are pretty much forbidden territory to discuss in an intelligent way.  how sad and strange is that, by comparison?

after counseling, i went to the store and got some breakfast stuff and went to my parent's house to cook for them and spend time with my mom.  she's not doing as well as i want her to be, but then again, i guess she never is.  she's doing the best she can, and Jehovah is with her and that's the most important thing for me to remember.  i got her tablet back online after resetting the wifi, and she watched a talk on the JW network while i cooked.  i took a brief nap after breakfast and then went back to the store to finish my list before i came home.

i'd tried to wait out Rachel, but she didn't call til i was in Hubbard getting dinner stuff for some point this week.  it was cool though, without her being here i just switched off from grilling.  dinner ended up being from Captain Fish and Chicken, which i'm growing increasingly unhappy with so i may just give up on them.  but it was dinner, and i watched some television, and i did a bit of music and i went to bed.  that was the day.  prayed in the morning, took meds, read, almost through the book of Isaiah, took my night meds and slept okay, though i had strange dreams last night.  faded now, but i remember the unsettled feeling of waking up from them. 

anyway, the video is Adolph Caeser in The Color Purple speaking after Oprah's character finally starts showing some activity.  it seemed a good Easter quote.  i'm going to pray and get started today.  i thank Jehovah for the day being born, and for waking me up to get started with it.  good enough, i think.

The Dining Room

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