
Thursday, April 18, 2019

...can't even chill right...

some days, it just moves of it's own accord, and all you can do is ride it out. they say if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan for the day.  i don't really subscribe to that way of looking at it; to me, it's more a matter of learning to 'hope for the best, prepare for the worst', and take it one day at a time.  because that's all the control i have over any given day, hour, minute or moment in my life.

so today i got up a bit later, and i prayed and read and ate and took meds.  i moved some mail that i have to sort through on the weekend, and i prepared to go to the store by inventorying my fridge and my cupboards.  and then i talked to Lonnie, who reminded me i said i'd take him to his doctor's appointment this afternoon and that he was taking me to lunch first.  and that was the day.  went to lunch, went to get coffee, went to the store, took Lonnie to the doctor, took him home and came home.  i'm in bed, waiting for the meds to kick in as my gout was twinging, as well as my neuropathy.  i have a 9am with VF tomorrow, and i have to check on the parents.  it would be nice to spend some time with Rachel, but we'll have to see what the day brings.  again, no plan, just take it moment for moment. 

i'm a bit hungry, but i'm not going to get off into that.  i'm going to get some sleep and get up for the day, if that is God's purpose for me.  i am grateful and thank my Father for a warm and peaceful day. 

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