
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Autumnal Prelude

 i've been busy, by God's grace.

let's start from Friday, since i didn't log then.  i worked, got through the work day without another incident, i had counseling, which i'm pretty sure i slept through most of, i saw my mom and dad and now have plans to grill on Monday at their house, i contacted a mechanic about my car, and made plans to go out to see him on Saturday.  i slept, but again, not long enough. 

yesterday, i got up with my usual rituals, i had breakfast, and i made plans to go to PA to see Scott, my nephew's mechanic.  still having this 'hesitation' thing, where i know i have to do something and my mind and body resist movement.  it's actually happening at this moment, so working on this is part of changing the momentum.  anyway, i went to Scott's house, nice land, pretty country, found changing the ball joint and control arm may not really be the issue as to the loudness of my car, but the ball joint boot (rubber sleeve, i'm assuming) and the bushings are likely the culprit.  the brakes, however, were dangerously bad, so i did get them done, and i'm happy about that. 

i went to the store in Struthers, got some ribs and some greens and stuff to augment what i had for a pasta salad.  i got home, rested as i was tired, put together the salad for my meeting today and my parent's house tomorrow, eventually got my broth for my greens on the stove and the greens into a wash and i ate dinner and nodded out. 

this morning, i'm up, the greens are cleaned, cut and cooking, i'm going to go to the store after my meeting, find my chicken, beef ribs, maybe a couple bundles of turnip greens to toss in my pot with the collards.  i'm going to prep my meat.  i've got to make sure there's charcoal at the house.  i'm going to my meeting, going to get some more writing done (been working on my book this morning).  didn't get an abundance of sleep so i'm going to take it as easy as i can.  last whole day off before i got to prep for work.  i feel okay, just a bit lethargic.  i want to move on some things, but i'm waiting for the inspiration to come on most of them.  but it's a meeting day, a pot luck, cooking, some creativity and feeling blessed.  so i can't really ask for much more, you know?  i thank my Heavenly Father for the blessing of life today. 

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