
Monday, September 10, 2018

a long 4 days

i know.  it's been a little while.  this is Monday morning, September 10th.  it's cold, i have had to turn my furnace on.  i think the last time I wrote was on Thursday.  a lot has transpired, and even on Thursday a lot was going on.  a recap, but only briefly, as today i return to work. 

so, thursday, i went in for my prostate biopsy.  i did give a description of that, not going to embellish on it.  i spent the remainder of that day in bed, trying to get over the procedure.  it wasn't as hard as i'd imagined it would be, as hard as my friend told me it could be.  at least, not on Thursday it wasn't.  i rested, watched some stuff on Hulu, ate and used the bathroom.  pretty much the itinerary.
Friday was more of the same, with the exception of going to counseling, which was cool, as i got some apples and tried some h'challah bread for the first time, dropping in to see my parents (mom, anyway), though i still have not and have no plans to tell them of what's going on in that arena, and i got to the store, as i needed some things for the house, not many thankfully, because the money is short this month.  otherwise, i was home, doing my thing, living my life and trying to keep recovering from the biopsy. 
Saturday, now.  Saturday was eventful.  the temperature had dropped, another of those 'Fall will arrive on a specific day, so prepare yourself' kind of things.  i woke with a headache, which i thought was the cold i was still nursing from last week.  i took some meds, went back to sleep, and woke with chills.  i did the usual stuff, not sure what was going on, and i got my downstairs cleaned, which needed it.  i felt worse as the day progressed, and i recalled that i was supposed to call my urologist if i had flu-like symptoms, as it could indicate sepsis from the biopsy.  by evening, the chill was more pronounced, i was hurting in my joints, and in the ER at ST. E's.  that was just after 7 that i checked in.  it was after 12 midnight that i left after signing AMA papers, as they told me early in that the blood and labwork found no infection, that the ekg found nothing irregular and the x-ray did not show anything wrong, as my blood pressure, though high when i'd come in, had normalized, my heart rate was good and they were running another bag of 80 dollar salt water into me.  AND wanted to perform a CT scan to determine if i might have a blood clot.  i declined with an attitude.  not the best thing to do, i'll admit, but the truth.  i stopped at Taco Bell, got some food, went home, ate and went to bed.
yesterday, i did nothing.  i'd told Marc i wasn't going to be at the meeting, so i took my time getting up.  i ate, i watched a series on Hulu i've been digging, i nodded in and out.  the chills were (and are) gone, the furnace has been turned on, i've done what i could to minimize movement. 

it's now Monday.  work is ahead.  i've prayed.  i wanted to get this in  i'm going to start my routine now.  but i had to get something down here, as you have to resume when you can and stay in good habits, cause they're so hard to come by, so easy to break and so much harder to resume (re: gym).  i'm grateful to Jehovah for watching over me through a very long weekend, and grateful for whatever the day brings. 

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