
Monday, January 7, 2019

Sunday Catch-Up

It's monday morning.  again, the issue of not being disciplined.  but '...we claim spiritual progress, not spiritual perfection."  That's from the Big Book.  so, we're doing this on monday morning, and that's cool enough, because we can't go back to sunday night.

yesterday, it was a good day.  peaceful.  things that i hoped would happen didn't, and some things happened that were nice enough surprises.  but the constants got in, and that's important.  you build the foundation, you prepare the canvas, and God paints your day, builds your sleeping quarters for the night.  i prayed, i took meds, read scripture and my recovery daily books.  leftover chicken and biscuits from BE for breakfast.  i did work on some music, wrote a couple poems in my new book, thought on a way to move my detective fiction forward.  i spent way too much time thinking on the events to come today, and that is foolish and human, because i can't predict future events and i have no way to make things happen in any particular way.  the improvement in that, over the years, is that worry doesn't often stop me from moving through the day anymore. 

i had some fish for brunch, got myself showered and shaved and dressed and eventually made it to the meeting.  it wasn't bad.  i have to continuously remind myself to work on my patience with people, because intolerance toward anyone means i am harboring intolerance.  after the meeting i went to the store to get stuff to make dinner.  S.H, a sponsee, had brought me the stuff i asked her for to make the soup she wanted.  on my way home i called Rachel, but i didn't get an answer.  i called Lonnie who was on his way to my house, as he had made soup and was bringing me some food.  i got to talk to him for a moment, and then i came in and got to work on the soup.  i finished it up, ate as i worked on the prep part of it, got things done, cleaned my kitchen, decided i was still hungry so prepped some proteins for myself and started shutting it down.  watched some anime, turned on some sleep vibes after a point and crashed out.

i've done the foundation things this morning, including cleaning yesterday's remnant dishes and putting my clothes away from the weekend wash.  i'm ready for the day and have put all of it, including any repercussions from last week, in Jehovah's hands.  i am grateful to Him for all the blessings i've enjoyed thus far and can ask no more than a start to this day, which i have. 

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