
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Thursday Slowness

it's going on 11am.  good enough time to do this entry, since i don't have a run until about 2pm.  i wanted to write this morning, but time sort of got away from me, and that's okay, because i was trying for productivity. 

it's the 2nd day of the year, 2nd day of the new decade.  i am much improved, though not 100 % just yet.  the flu/cold lingers, but this iteration just has that as a trademark/trait of it's presence.  just about everyone i know is sick.  i'm upswinging on it now, finally feeling some better all the way around, but it's a progression.  it's not a 'this is just going to be a resolution' thing.  i've drank tea with honey this morning, and it feels good.  i really can't stand honey in tea, but it was suggested by a nurse and i am thankful for any help i can get.  I had to take my daughter some medicine today, as she is pretty sick now as well.  so is my grandson.  people all around are getting sick, and there's nothing that can be done except to ride on it.  so that's what i do.  I'm guessing that's what they do as well. 

getting up this morning was a chore.  sleep was there, it just wasn't constant.  sleep, wake for a few, sleep, wake for a few.  i got out the bed about a quarter to 5, said prayers, read books, and got moving.  took the trash out.  gathered meds for Syd.  got my few clothes together that needed washing.  then i got it gone. 

got to work after i took meds to Syd.  got the van ready.  walking much better than i was last week.  right foot feels okay, left foot hurts but nowhere near as bad.  once the main people at OSH come in, learn that my first 2 of three pick ups are not coming in, so i don't have a run til 2pm.  so, i go check on the parents, take my mom breakfast and  make her some coffee.  put a load in the washer.  grab a bottle of diet pop and some splenda and come back to work.  i've been writing since, just started nodding.  but i've still got about 3 hours til it's time to roll.  made an appointment with my doctor.  have to contact my endocrinologist.  will do that before my run.  i like the productivity.  wish i had an art program; i'd design my cover and get things ready for publishing. 

new year.  wrote a piece for FB, just to reflect that it's HINDSIGHT that's 20-20, foresight is faith.  so i'm hoping people understand, but do they ever?  so much easier to just parrot and mimic someone else's rhetoric than to think for themselves.  not good, but definitely the way of the world.  we'll see what the new year brings.  meanwhile, on with staying awake for the next 3 hours.  almost 11am,  this didn't even last long enough to count as a distraction.

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