
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Different Kind of Saturday

well, it's Saturday evening.  not a bad evening.  not a bad day.  i am glad to be able to say that, and the Journeying continues. 

i worked my days this week.  Wednesday through Friday.  I didn't get my meeting in, nor did i get counseling.  missed both, feel the lack of both.  but i am trying to get my feet set solid on this new job, in this new life.  and i can take a hit to get a read on the opposition, so that i can better fight in the later rounds. 

work wasn't bad.  i had moments.  i had moments of feeling like it was getting away from me, but that's how I always feel when i go into a new situation.  i have to conform to the way things are supposed to be done.  i have to adhere to protocol.  i broke protocol, trying to see if things can be different.  too many layers of scheduling to just change shit midstream.  so i am trying to get my feet down flat.  trying to get my foundation set.

i got through it though.  and i hung out with She Who Shan't Be Named, and that was a nice night.  and i had a hard time getting to sleep, but that was okay.  because today was Saturday.  a day off.  and i woke late, later than usual anyway.  and i woke dragging a bit, but i woke.  and eventually i prayed.  and i got my exercises done.  and i had breakfast and i cleaned my kitchen.  made a chicken salad.  got some beef stew bowled up for my parents.  went to their house and did clothes and helped my mom pay some bills.  made them breakfast.  paid my internet bill, finally.  got my clothes folded and bagged up after 'The Maltese Falcon' went off.  then i went to get Syd.  we went to Gabe's so she could get herself some clothes.  got my grandson a new coat.  got myself some new sneaks.  got my grandson a pack of little knock-off Hot Wheel cars.  and i took Syd to lunch.  then i came home.  hung up some clothes that need to dry more, got my work clothes in the closet for monday.  been chillin ever since.  no reason not to.  not many calls.  no need for them either. 

because i haven't been isolated.  i haven't hidden away.  i did my thing, and i'm going to get some sleep soon.  i have a meeting tomorrow.  i have to order this food for Wednesday, the anniversary meeting.  i have to get my shit fully together for Monday.  won't be a lot of work, but i'm hanging til the end.  it's cool.  i just want to keep exercising, keep moving, keep tuning in to my family, so that i can be what God wants me to be.  and that's all the activity i really require.  the plan is in place.  the rest is just a matter of staying the course. 

i am glad to write this today.  i am grateful to Jehovah.  this is not owed to me, therefore i am blessed.  time to shut it down. 

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