
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

3 Days In...

it is a strange, strange week indeed. it promises to get stranger as time goes by, but it's half over, which is a good thing.  i'm going to try not to get too lyrical, cause there's actual shit happening here right now.  but if it happens, it happens, and that's what is supposed to come out. 

so i got word on Sunday as to when I was starting work, which was Monday.  I made no fusses about it, because why would I?  i just closed up shop earlier than expected, got my ass in gear and put it down for the night.  Monday rolled in and i was there before the 8am time I was given, but as it turned out, there were no clients as some sort of administration thing was going on, so i was sent home with a couple hours logged just for showing up.  good enough, i guess.

Tuesday, I got up, got dressed (was told on Monday that i needed black pants, which i could have been told anytime before i started, but not that important) and got there at the 730 start time, before actually as i hate coming on the money. the 2nd driver, whom i'd met on Monday, wasn't there but my boss was and we got ready to go out for a client after he went over some paperwork with me.  2 were scheduled, but one cancelled before we even got started, apparently, and the other one cancelled before we got off the freeway.  i'm thinking due to the snowstorm, but you never know.  this time, i stayed for about 6 hours, had the 2 hours put on my timecard along with the 6 for 8 hours of doing nothing for 2 days.  again, good enough, i suppose. 

today was not those days.

before that, though, i'm concerned about my friend who shall not be named, as she had some disappointing things happening in the last few days.  i won't go into detail here, but i will say i hope it turns out in her favor, as she deserves a few wins, in my estimate.

so today i got up, got dressed, had breakfast, took meds and read my stuff (showered and shaved before dressing), and I got there a bit early. boss and the other driver were there, so I just got my shit in gear. we did have pick-ups, and we did them all. I got to drive, and aside from the fact that the pictured Dodge van has a seat belt that is about as loose as a nun's promiscuity, it was pretty much the regular.  just call, go pick up the person, drop them at the medical center, and if there's one waiting to go home and not another pickup immediately scheduled, take a client home.  started at 7:30, ended at 6:15 this evening.  

some of the highlights:

an old, dear friend, Denise, was one of my clients.  she was like a big sister to me way back in the days, and I had actually been trying to find her with some internet research.  so that she popped up as someone in my van was very spiritually filling.  

another lady just made me feel good, as we conversed about music and singing and playing, and it was like having a conversation in the wayback time with one of my friends from when things were much better than they are now.  no complaints.  

I was shown how to work the wheelchair hooks, which are much different than they were at PCS, and right after that we had a wheelchair that wasn't marked on the paper.  the other driver, who was shown at the same time as I was, didn't catch on to how to do it, but I did and we got the woman strapped in and safely transported.  

other than that, I will work tomorrow, i'll be off for the next five days, and then I'll work 3 days and be off for the weekend again.  I will have my Wednesdays off, but I have to work through the next week as the other driver has to go to Chicago to bring a family member here.

it was a good day, but i'm tired and ready to shut it down for the night.  but I just finished eating, and I didn't want to not log the start of this new adventure. should be a short day tomorrow.  I hope it's as full of learning as today was.  thank you, Father, for the transition into what I need. 

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