
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Saturday Things

quick update before i get back to my cleaning.

it's saturday, finally.  i can say that because this has been the longest fucking week, and next week promises to be even longer.  nothing to be done about the one past, and worrying won't change the one coming, so we do what we do.

i'm trying to get things together in my house.  i have been fighting with this stove for a week, and the fight continues.  the adaptor i got doesn't fit.  i have what amounts to an issue and i'm not really sure what to do about it, but i'm going to go back to Home Depot in a bit and ask.  there can't be two wrong sizes, one too big and one too small, when its a system of fixed sizes to choose from.  but there is an area on the tip of the stove's intake nipple that seems to be thinner and stripped, so the adaptor goes easy over that, and then doesn't thread onto the larger part. so i need to get a larger adaptor, or an extender. we'll see.

i have clothes to wash, i have to mop my kitchen and bath as i've already cleaned them.  i want to get a couple of supplies.  i made my car payment and paid the credit bill on the AC i bought.  i have a bit of money until the next come out comes out.  i stay on alert, which isn't the worst thing as i needed to be more responsible.  but it is stressful, any sustained condition of being on alert. 

i'm feeling the end of the summer season.  the days are growing shorter.  the nights are cool enough for easy sleeping again.  i have to make some decisions; what to do about the Grand Marquis, time to get it gone.  have to get a sink and bathtub for my downstairs bathroom.  did no yard sailing at all, and i could have used a replacement microwave.  Rachel's been sick, she's usually my yard/garage sale buddy, but that's not really it.  i'm just letting her do her thing and learning from what the casual distance is teaching me about myself. not just from her distance, but from my own as well.  things have changed, no doubt about that.  but at least my mom has someone to help her with some cleaning things.

i am going to finish up, still have to walk today, have to keep moving in a positive direction.  it's why i need that stove to work; all this fucking dining out/fast food excuse bullshit has to stop.  period. 

i feel good today.  i am grateful to Jehovah for allowing me to get this started with prayer and surrender, and i'm going to continue on in that spirit.  later.

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