
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Keep Loving

I have concerns.  of course I do, and you do too.  why wouldn't you?  we've never been through this before.  think about it.  this group of people collectively called 'humanity', alive in 2020, have never been through a situation close to this.  and it's not as bad as it could be, it's not as bad as people are making it out to be.  but it is serious enough to be taken seriously.  is it being taken too seriously?  it's the only way we know how to do anything on planet Earth anymore, i'm afraid.  but there's no refuting the logic; i'd much rather EVERYTHING be done about an unknown situation than NOTHING.  and that's where it's at right now.

on my job, people are scared to come out of their homes, many of them.  we treat the elderly, so i'm not surprised.  I may be out of work soon, laid off likely, until thing eases up.  or it may not put me out of work.  as more is discovered, more will be known. that's the truth of everything, isn't it?

the Fellowship Hall, where we have our 12 step meetings (some of them anyway) is now closed.  no meetings.  I shudder for the newcomers, but many of them haven't taken advantage of the steps and traditions when there wasn't a pandemic, and if it takes a pandemic to make a person decide to change a behavior that's killing them, they probably have bigger issues than they know.  of course, if EVEN a pandemic can't make a person rethink some things...Zoikes!
i'm tired, but I feel okay.  just finished brunch, gonna take a nap and wait to be contacted by my counselor.  phone counseling, this will be an experience.  keep being as kind as you can to your neighbors and the needy, because some are in worse shape than some of us will ever be.

thank you, Father, for loving me through my nonsense.

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