
Saturday, February 1, 2020

Saturday Morning

well.  I made it through the week.  it's the weekend again, Yay!  that's way more enthusiasm than I actually feel, but still I feel good, and that's what matters most.  currently i'm in my kitchen, preparing breakfast for my brother and myself.  I enjoy time with my brother. conversation is never boring, and there is always the sharing of the emotion that our parents evoke in us, being able to give voice to those things that only someone going through them would understand.  it's very cathartic, I can say.  plus, BREAKFAST.  y'know?

so, the week has gone from tumultuous to serene.  I feel good.  I;m working on finishing touches on my new book, BRITTLE MIND. I should have it ready by the end of the week, at least ready to be approved by Amazon. it's been so long since I did any writing toward self-publication that the platform I was using, CreateSpace, is no longer a platform.  it's been absorbed into the Bezos empire fully.  but the replacement is slightly easier to use, and I can appreciate that.  I will finish uploading my book to the template which is already formatted with the appropriate borders within the next couple days, and we'll see how it all turns out.  meanwhile, back at the ranch...

the parents are home.  my mom is still uneasy about being there.  and of course, her comfy chair has been replaced by a wooden rocking chair, which is no kind of comfortable for her to sleep in.  but, given the circumstances, I can understand her apprehension. some things, when they push our 'freak out' buttons, don't just retreat back into a safe distance once they're 'dealt with'.  but all you can do is try to adjust as best you can.  it's not ideal.  and no one understands someone else's freak out, but everyone wants their own freak out to be paramount in someone else's value system.  strange how that happens...

today is a cleaning day.  it's also a day to start catching up to some neglected business.  and I want to get my shit in gear for Monday morning.  not too many runs slated at this moment, but it still requires a bit of awareness and preparedness.  so I want to do both.  got to get back to the store, after I figure what I want for dinner today.  gonna be a lot of insanity, as the most important event happening in America right now is not the fact that a man who has been trying his best to strong arm the democratic process of the united states of America is about to be exonorated, but that the Super Bowl will be played on Sunday.  yay.  so I want to beat the crazy people, grab some supplies for this evening and tomorrow, and get the hell out.  meeting tomorrow, I guess.  and as I sit here typing, I remember it's the pot luck this Sunday, which sucks even worse.  have to really decide if I want to be there tomorrow, good day to rest.  well, I think that's about it for now.  waiting to hear from my brother so I can finish cooking breakfast and we can eat.  have a good weekend.  

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