
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Sleepless & Exhausted

See the source image this sucks. 
I'm very tired, but sleep is not coming tonight.  i have things that are obviously on my mind, but nothing that should prevent me completely from falling asleep.  yet, here i am.  it's almost 4am.  watching television earlier i was nodding, but that didn't translate over to laying down for the night.

the inclination is to eat, of course.  but i won't.  the only reason i won't is because i'm not hungry.  a good reason not to eat.  not one that i've put a lot of stock in as of late, i have to admit.  but still, i've not eaten.  i may drift off soon, may sleep a couple hours.  but i have things to achieve tomorrow.  cleaning to do, peppermint spray to mix and administer throughout the house.  i have to gather clothes for wash, have to do some banking early.  odds and ends stuff, perhaps, but my life is about odds and ends these days.  but i hate doing shit exhausted.  may not matter what i hate at this rate.

dreams are weird still.  external stimuli is translating almost immediately into symbolism in my dreams.  i don't know what that's about.  keep thinking it doesn't matter anymore, but apparently i'm mistaken.  something's bothering me.  something's keeping me conscious.

had a problem earlier today.  my hand swelled, left hand.  just swelled, noticed because i was unconsciously flexing my hand and it hurt to make a fist all of a sudden.  but that wasn't all, as the swelling seemed to ascend to my forearm. had a lot of swelling in my feet & lower legs after work too.  too much sitting, i'm imagining.  but i have exercises to do.  i can remain stubborn or i can get to  work.  hands swelling aside, i need to get to work.  i can not go on much longer like this, and i refuse to just remain passive about all this extra weight. 

i'm going to shut this down now, try to fade out, maybe get about 5 hours.  that would help.  i am exhausted.  thank you, Father, for the wherewithall to write. 

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