
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020 Summation from the FB files

A thought listed on my Facebook page, which sums up the where I am for the past 366 days, and maybe even the where I am going if tomorrow comes, God willing & the creek don't rise.  Thank you, Father, for whatever comes, and for so much that has passed.

So, what's learned? I mean, you travel around the sun for over 5 decades, you should have learned something, right? Nothing should all just be, 'Same day, different shit', not for real, right? And to cap it off, a global pandemic, and all the fears and paranoia, all the secret terrors and obvious character flaws a real crisis reveals, and a human mind has to deal with the truly supernatural for the first time in any of our realities, and something has to be learned, right? Well, this is what 52 has gotten me. Gonna try to condense it all into 10 items, and maybe they'll help another soul, or maybe they'll just help identify me when they come to take me away...we'll see, right?

10. Most people have no idea what to do when they are actually confronted by a fear beyond their imagination. So fiction writers have to try a lot harder.

9. It's easier to find the negative, because it's on social media and it's reposted over and over, ad nauseum. But the good is always attached to the stupid and inane. In fact, the good is usually happening in the background of the inanity, you just can't see it cause it's happening in the background. So learn to use your peripherals.

8. People want love and have been hurt far worse than they're willing to admit. Evidenced by the plethora of harsh, hard-ass relationship advice coming from hither and yon. Be you, and remember where you've been and who hurt you, so you don't take a hostage or hold an innocent responsible for your scars. Then you may actually recognize the one who's actually holding the elixir and the bandages. Only a suggestion, however.

7. Given a chance, humans will do the stupidest shit they can think of, and if there is a group of them congregated or a camera of some sort pointed at them, chances are greatest of that stupid shit taking place. BUT. I happen to know some very talented people, right on these pages, who have simply stopped doing their creative shit online because eventually, it feels like no one gives a damn. Tell you what; my experience is you plant flowers, you get flowers and weeds. you don't plant flowers, you get weeds. Better to have beauty amidst the ugliness because it allows sensitive, appreciative souls to make a choice. And maybe someone will eventually decide to get back to pulling the weeds so the flowers can flourish. Never know, homie.

6. No one is above being afraid, no one is therefore exempt from being courageous. But you have to practice fear as much as you have to practice courage. I know that sounds like bullshit, but think: when's the last time you remember ever seeing a newborn that was afraid of anything? All learned behavior. You're welcome.

5. matter how shiny or valuable...will never erase a painful past. But only you'll know that to be true.

4. Everything that a person says doesn't exist anymore (Big Mana's house, family gatherings that aren't funerals, social get togethers, what have you) are all blueprinted in the complainers memory banks. It can all happen again, if the complaining ever turns into arranging. What?

3. You will be sad. You will regret. You will realize a road you took was not a good one. You will bleed, a little or a lot. You will wish you'd done differently, moments after you made the choice that something in you screamed you shouldn't do. You will not do everything right. You will have fears, you will have doubts, from time to time. You have a right to any or all of these. They can, however, be the foundation to the prison you choose to live within...or the houses in a neighborhood you're walking through, to get to your true home. Again, you're choice, Podnah.

2. If you're looking for yourself, start with the mirror. Then consider therapy. Better to try the available resources before tearing down the walls of the life you're going to have to live in for a few more years. Just a thought.

and finally...

1. Apparently, sometimes life offers humanity a chance to change up some shit, to make some adjustments and do some things different so as not to use up everything in wasteful, greedy, gluttonous orgies of self-indulgence. takes a lot of character to change a habit when the short term feeling is ecstatic and you're part of a collective condition of short term memory loss. BUT, as a man once advised me to my eternal benefit, when you don't know what to do, DO WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT. This might actually turn out to be The Stand, but it could be The Day The Earth Stood Still. They may go back to reckoning time with B.C. (before Corona or COVID-19) and A.D. (after disease), and in the A.D. we'll all be considered one year old. What will be different in your rebirth? How will you be better made in your new life? What nonsense will you surrender for some deeper meaning? When enough individuals make better choices, shit changes. Just remember, it is not what we created, it is that WE create IT, for time and nature do not discriminate. Aspire Higher, and thanks for all the good birthday love. 😑

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